37 research outputs found

    Socionatural development in terms of intellect and noospherical education

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    Catedra Filosofie şi Bioetică USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Centrul de Cercetări a proceselor Globale şi dezvoltării Durabile al USTE din Rusia, or. MoscovaCurrently in the development of strategy for survival of mankind, more methods and mechanisms and various levers are involved. Undoubtedly, achieving this goal requires above all the transition from the stihinic development, endure to a safe and sustainable one. This article examines the role and place of intellectual factors in the process of becoming socionatural development, among which are highlighted the impact of intellect and noospherical education in the mentioned process. Actualmente în elaborarea strategiei de supravieţuire a omenirii sunt implicate mai multe metode şi mecanisme, diverse pîrghii. Fără îndoială, realizarea acestui obiectiv necesită înainte de toate tranziţia de la dezvoltarea stihinică, indurabilă spre una inofensivă, socionaturală. În articolul de faţă se examinează rolul şi locul factorilor spirituali în devenirea dezvoltării socionaturale, printre care se evidenţiază impactul intelectului şi învăţămîntului noosferic în procesul nominalizat

    Acute kidney injury in patients with tetralogy of Fallot who have undergone surgical correction

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    Catedra de anesteziologie și reanimatologie nr.2, USMF „Nicolae Testemițanu”, Departamentul Reanimare și Terapie Intensivă, Spitalul Clinic Republican, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Conferința stiințifică „Nicolae Anestiadi – nume etern al chirurgiei basarabene” consacrată centenarului de la nașterea profesorului Nicolae Anestiadi 26 august 2016Introducere. Leziunea renală acută (LRA) este una dintre cele mai frecvente și severe complicații în chirurgia cardiacă. Aplicarea criteriilor de clasificare RIFLE (risc, injurie, insuficiență și stadiul final al bolii renale) au fost validate la populațiile pediatrice. Scop. De a determina, retrospectiv apariția LRA în grupul de pacienți până la 18 ani, utilizând criteriile RIFLE modificate, validate la copii (pRIFLE), relația dintre LRA cu alte complicații după corecția chirurgicală a tetralogiei Fallot. Materiale și metode. Din baza de date a IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican, au fost selectați 45 de copii, supuși corecției chirurgicale a tetralogiei Fallot între iunie 2010 și decembrie 2015. Leziunea renală acută a fost definită ca o scădere a cantității clearance-ului estimat al creatininei pe baza criteriilor pediatrice modificate pentru RIFLE (pRIFLE). Rezultate. Douăzeci și două de pacienți (48,9%) au avut LRA în funcție de categoriile pRIFLE. Dintre cei 45 pacienți, 15 (33,3%) au corespuns criteriilor pRIFLE de risc; 6 (13,3%) au atins criteriile de injurie și 1 (2,2%) au întrunit criteriile de insuficiență. Trei pacienți (6,7%) au decedat. Apariția MODS s-a întâlnit la 19 (42,2%) pacienți, sepsis s-a întîlnit la 3 (6,7%) pacienți. Durata de ventilație mecanică (p <0,001) și durata de ședere în unitatea de terapie intensivă ( p <0,001) au fost semnificativ mai mare în comparație cu grupul de pacienți care nu au dezvoltat semne de leziune renală acută. Concluzii. Disfuncția renală acută a fost asociată în mod independent, cu o apariție crescută a complicațiilor postoperatorii, dar cu o mortalitate redusă după corecția chirurgicală a tetralogiei Fallot.Introduction. Acute kidney injury (AKI) is one of the most common and severe complications in cardiac surgery. Application of the classification RIFLE (risk, injury, failure and end stage renal disease) have been validated in pediatric populations. Purpose. To determine AKI appearance in the patients up to 18 years, using modified RIFLE criteria, validated in children (pRIFLE), the relationship between AKI with other complications after surgical correction of Fallot's tetralogy. Materials and methods. From the database of the Republican Clinical Hospital, were selected 45 children undergoing surgical correction of Fallot's tetralogy between June 2010 and December 2015. acute kidney injury was defined as a decrease in estimated creatinine clearance based on criteria pediatric modified RIFLE (pRIFLE). Results. Twenty-two patients (48,9%) had AKI by pRIFLE category. Of the 45 patients, 15 (33.3%) met the criteria pRIFLE risk; 6 (13.3%) corresponded to the criteria of injury and one (2.2%) met criteria for failure. Three patients (6.7%) died. The occurrence of MODS was encountered in 19 (42.2%) patients, sepsis was met in 3 (6.7%) patients. Duration of mechanical ventilation (p <0.001) and length of stay in the intensive care unit p <0.001) were significantly higher compared with the group of patients who did not develop signs of acute kidney injury. Conclusions. Acute kidney dysfunction was independently associated with an increased occurrence of postoperative complications, but with reduced mortality after surgical correction of Fallot's tetralogy

    Multiple organ disfunction syndrome in liver transplants

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    Catedra de anesteziologie și reanimatologie nr.2, USMF „Nicolae Testemițanu”, Spitalul Clinic Republican, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Conferința stiințifică „Nicolae Anestiadi – nume etern al chirurgiei basarabene” consacrată centenarului de la nașterea profesorului Nicolae Anestiadi 26 august 2016Introducere. Supraviețuirea pacienţilor cu MODS în transplantul de ficat scade la 60,3% (Mueller A.R.). Scop. Estimarea factorilor predispozanţi ai MODS -ului pentru perioada perioperatorie la pacienţii supuşi transplantului de ficat. Material şi metode. În studiu au fost incluşi 19 pacienţi după transplant de ficat divizaţi în două loturi: primul lot - 7 pacienţi care au întrunit criterii MODS, lotul doi – 12, fără criterii MODS. În lotul pacienţilor cu s-m MODS în perioada preoperatoriei scorul MELD a constituit 24, în lotul doi – 18. Printre agresiunile primare patologice severe care au putut provoca evoluţie în MODS s-au înregistrat: a. în preoperator sindrom porto-pulmonar la 2 pacienţi, sindrom CID – 3 pacienţi, sindrom hepatopriv şi colestatic sever – 7 pacienţi; b. intraoperator - hemoragie masivă la un pacient; c. postoperator - hemoragie masivă la 4, relaparatomie la 2, sindrom CID la 4, rejetul acut de grefă la trei recipienţi. La pacienţii suferinzi de MODS s-a constatat 2 insuficienţe de organe secundare la 3, a 3 sisteme de organe – 3 recipienţi, a 4 sisteme de organe – 1 recipient. Au decedat 4 recipienţi, la care MODS a inclus insuficienţe a 3 şi mai multe sisteme de organe. Concluzii. La pacienţii care au dezvoltat semne de sindrom MODS se observă o incidenţa mai înaltă a comorbidităţilor, depistate în preoperator, şi a diverselor sindroame severe induse de insuficienţa hepatică.Introduction. Survival of patients with MODS in patients with liver transplantation is decreased to 60.3% (Mueller A.R.). Purpose. Assessment of MODS predisposing factors for perioperative period in patients undergoing liver transplantation. Material and methods. The study included 19 patients after liver transplantation divided into two groups: the first group - 7 patients who met the criteria for MODS, the second group -12 patients without MODS. In the group of patients with MODS during preoperative period the MELD score was - 24, in the second group - 18. Amongst the primary severe pathological aggressions which could develop MODS were recorded: a. In the preoperative period 2 patients presented with portopulmonary hypertension, 3 patients with DIC syndrome, cholestatic and severe hepatoprive syndrome - 7 patients; b. Intraoperative - excessive bleeding in one patient; c. Postoperative - excessive bleeding in 4 patients, relaparatomy in 2 patients, DIC syndrome in 4 patients and acute rejection in 3 patients. The MODS was presented with two secondary organ failure in 3 patients; three secondary organ failure in 3 patients and four secondary organ failure in 1 patient. From all of the patients, 4 of them died, in which MODS included 3 or more organ failure. Conclusions. In patients who have developed signs of MODS there is a higher incidence of comorbidities, detected in the preoperative period, and various syndromes induced severe hepatic failure

    Sociomateriality Implications of Software As a Service Adoption on IT-workers’ Roles and Changes in Organizational Routines of IT Systems Support

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    This paper aims to deepen our understanding on how sociomateriality practices influence IT workers’ roles and skill set requirements and changes to the organizational routines of IT systems support, when an organization migrates an on-premise IT system to a software as a service (SaaS) model. This conceptual paper is part of an ongoing study investigating organizations that migrated on-premise IT email systems to SaaS business models, such as Google Apps for Education (GAE) and Microsoft Office 365 systems, in New Zealand tertiary institutions. We present initial findings from interpretive case studies. The findings are, firstly, technological artifacts are entangled in sociomaterial practices, which change the way humans respond to the performative aspects of the organizational routines. Human and material agencies are interwoven in ways that reinforce or change existing routines. Secondly, materiality, virtual realm and spirit of the technology provide elementary levels at which human and material agencies entangle. Lastly, the elementary levels at which human and material entangle depends on the capabilities or skills set of an individual

    Ecological barriers mediate spatiotemporal shifts of bird communities at a continental scale

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    This study was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (grant P2BEP3_195232) and by the Academy of Finland (project 323527 and project 329251).Species' range shifts and local extinctions caused by climate change lead to community composition changes. At large spatial scales, ecological barriers, such as biome boundaries, coastlines, and elevation, can influence a community's ability to shift in response to climate change. Yet, ecological barriers are rarely considered in climate change studies, potentially hindering predictions of biodiversity shifts. We used data from two consecutive European breeding bird atlases to calculate the geographic distance and direction between communities in the 1980s and their compositional best match in the 2010s and modeled their response to barriers. The ecological barriers affected both the distance and direction of bird community composition shifts, with coastlines and elevation having the strongest influence. Our results underscore the relevance of combining ecological barriers and community shift projections for identifying the forces hindering community adjustments under global change. Notably, due to (macro)ecological barriers, communities are not able to track their climatic niches, which may lead to drastic changes, and potential losses, in community compositions in the future.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe


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    The article analyzes the problem and the process of securitization in the context of interconnection between security and development implicated in the concept of sustainable development. The concept combines in a single system the security and change (progressive development) of civilization and preservation of the environment. Sustainable development in the broadest sense is seen by the author as the safest type of evolution, which reduces to an acceptable level any negative effects on civilization and the biosphere for the purpose of their conservation and co-evolution. The article shows that due to systemic interconnection of development and security, the goals of sustainable development will not be achieved, because they do not include a goal of international peace and security on a global scale. The opposite is also true: most types of security, including national and global security, could be achieved not through means of defense but through the most secure type of development, i.e. sustainable development. This fact requires systematic updating and improving the theoretical basis of the concept of sustainable development. The author initiates the formation of two new integrative areas of scientific knowledge: «global securitology» and «security globalistics»